A Mutants and Masterminds run by James Hollywood
Disclaimer: The Wildstorm Universe was founded in 1992 by Jim Lee's company Aegis entertainment. It was sold to DC Comics in 1999. Therefore: This game, Stormwatch is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Wildstorm productions. Stormwatch, WildC.A.T.s, everything else, and distinctive likenesses thereof are TM and copyright 1998 Jim Lee and Ageis Entertainment, and are used without permission.
Series One
In which the new Stormwatch Prime team is presented to the world’s press
History of the World
The constantly evolving Stormwatch timeline with interesting events labelled, including those relevant to our heroes.
Our heroes
Da bad Guys
People and locations you will interact with.
Characters Archive
People and creatures we met along the way but are no longer part of the story.
Thanks to whoever wrote the Wildstorm proposal from whom I have liberally stolen to help me make these pages. I don't know your name so I can't publicly acknowledge you but if you let me know I will!