Stormwatch- Characters

From Milton Keynes RPG Club


Battalion (Lukus Crane)- PL 10

Strength 3, Stamina 3, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 8, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 4

Advantages Connected, Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll 3, Improved Initiative, Inspire, Jack-of-all-trades, Ranged Attack 3, Takedown, Well-informed

Skills Acrobatics 6 (+9), Close Combat: TK Blast: Perception Area Damage 10 3 (+11), Deception 6 (+10), Expertise (FGT): Tactics 2 (+10), Expertise: Civics 4 (+8), Insight 6 (+10), Intimidation 5 (+9), Investigation 6 (+10), Perception 6 (+10), Persuasion 6 (+10), Ranged Combat: Guns 5 (+8), Stealth 4 (+7), Technology 4 (+8), Vehicles 2 (+5)

Powers Psionic Array

  Communication: Mental Communication 3 (Sense Type: Small Nation; Subtle: subtle)
  Mental Blast: Perception Area Blast 8 (DC 23; Alternate Resistance: Will, Perception Area)
  Telekinesis: Perception Area Move Object 8 (6 tons; Perception Area, Increased Range: perception, Subtle: subtle)
  Telepathy: Mind Reading 10 (DC 20; Alternate Resistance: Will; Feedback, Limited by Language)
  TK Blast: Perception Area Damage 10 ([0 active, 0/33 PP, 2/r], DC 25; Perception Area)

Offense Initiative +7 Grab, +8 (DC Spec 13) Mental Blast: Perception Area Blast 8 (DC Will 23) Telekinesis: Perception Area Move Object 8 (DC 18) Telepathy: Mind Reading 10 (DC Will 20) Throw, +6 (DC 18) TK Blast: Perception Area Damage 10 (DC 25) Unarmed, +8 (DC 18)

Complications Enemy: Last big case was getting a conviction on the mobster boss Sal Moroni even though it cost him family and loved ones Motivation: Justice: Will fight for the common man

Languages English

Defense Dodge 5, Parry 8, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6/3, Will 4

Power Points Abilities 64 + Powers 38 + Advantages 13 + Skills 33 (65 ranks) + Defenses 2 = 150

Played by John Ellis


Crusher - PL 10

Strength 13, Stamina 9, Agility 5, Dexterity 3, Fighting 10, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 4

Advantages All-out Attack, Close Attack, Diehard, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Jack-of-all-trades, Throwing Mastery

Skills Athletics 4 (+17), Close Combat: Unarmed 10 (+20), Expertise: Vehicles 4 (+4), Intimidation 8 (+13), Ranged Combat: Throw 10 (+13), Vehicles 2 (+5)

Powers Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 3 (+3 STR) Growth: Growth 2 (+2 STR, +2 STA, +1 Intimidate, -2 Stealth, -1 active defenses; Innate; Permanent) Leaping: Leaping 1 (Leap 15 feet at 4 miles/hour) Protection: Protection 5 (+5 Toughness)

  Immunity: Immunity 5 (Alternate; Enviromental Conditions (All))
  Impervious Defense: Impervious Parry 3

Thrown: Line Area Blast 10 (DC 25; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long; Resistible: Dodge)

Offense Initiative +9 Grab, +10 (DC Spec 20) Throw, +10 (DC 25) Thrown: Line Area Blast 10 (DC Dog/Tou ) Unarmed, +10 (DC 25)

Complications Honor: Don't harm the weak and defenceless Prejudice: People react to the way he looks

Languages Native Language

Defense Dodge 8, Parry 9, Fortitude 9, Toughness 11/14, Will 5

Power Points Abilities 74 + Powers 39 + Advantages 9 + Skills 19 (38 ranks) + Defenses 9 = 150

Validation: Grab: Attack Bonus exceeds Power Level limit by 1; Grab: Save DC exceeds Power Level limit by 3; Throw: Attack Bonus exceeds Power Level limit by 3; Throw: Save DC exceeds Power Level limit by 4; Unarmed: Attack Bonus exceeds Power Level limit by 11; Unarmed: Save DC exceeds Power Level limit by 3; Toughness: Exceeds Power Level limit by 3

Played by Ash


PL: 10 (150 pts) - OPL: 10 ; DPL: 10


SKILLS: Athletics 5 (+14), Close Combat [Unarmed] 4 (+9), Deception (+1), Insight 3 (+5), Intimidation 4 (+5), Perception 5 (+7), Persuasion (+1), Ranged Combat [Throwing] 6 (+10), Stealth 3 (+5)

ADVANTAGES: Accurate Attack, Equipment (1), Improved Aim, Improved Initiative (1), Languages (1) (English, 1 other, Base: Swahili), Power Attack, Ranged Attack (2), Throwing Mastery (1), Weapon Break

POWERS: Invulnerable Skin: Protection 5, Impervious 9, Immunity 5 (Critical Hits, Pressure, Environmental Heat, Environmental Cold); 28 pts Rock Hard Fists: Bludgeoning Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Penetrating 9); 11 pts Super Speed: Speed 5 (60 mph), Quickness 4; 9 pts Alternate Effects of Strength Damage: 2 pts Groundstomp: Burst Area Affliction 9 (Resisted by Dodge; 1st: Hindered, 2nd: Prone, Extras: Area Burst [30 ft], Flaws: Limited to two degrees, Instant Recovery, Limited [Flint must be on the ground, targets must be on the ground]); 1 pt Shockwave: Line Area Force Damage 9 (Extras: Line Area [30 ft], Flaws: Distracting); 1 pt

EQUIPMENT: (5ep) Justice League Communicard: Senses 2 (Communication Link [Radio, Justice League Members), GPS, Feature 1 (Watchtower/Avengers Mansion Access), Benefit 1 (Justice League Status); 5ep

OFFENSE: Initiative +6 Close Attack +5 Unarmed +9 [Unarmed +9; Rock Hard Fists +11] Ranged Attack +4 Throwing +10 Special Attack [Shockwave +9, Area Line; Groundstrike +9, Area Burst]

DEFENSES: Dodge +5 [DC15] Parry +5 [DC15] Toughness +15 (+9 Impervious), Fortitude +12, Will +8

COMPLICATIONS: Disability: Her skin is invulnerable but her internal organs are not, making her susceptible to internal injury Motivation: Working for justice and making the world a better place

Abilities 64 + Skills 15 (30 ranks) + Advantages 10 + Powers 50 + Defenses 11 = 150 / 150

Comments: Flint was one of Stormwatch’s bricks who was a lot like Luke Cage. She’s not incredibly strong, but has unbreakable skin. I’ve read several issues now and she hasn’t taken a lick of damage and even Luke gets knocked out a lot, so I may have even undersold her Toughness for the sake of keeping her at PL10.

She has also shown great aim in throwing stuff as well as some super speed so when you throw all that in, she comes up to playable points, which works out well.

Played by Carl


Panda - PL 10

Strength 8, Stamina 7, Agility 8, Dexterity 2, Fighting 6, Intellect 8, Awareness 2, Presence 3

Advantages Animal Empathy, Beginner's Luck, Benefit, Ambidexterity, Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 1, Move-by Action, Startle, Teamwork

Skills Acrobatics 8 (+16), Athletics 5 (+13), Close Combat: Claws 6 (+12), Expertise: First Aid 4 (+12), Expertise: History 5 (+13), Expertise: Politics 4 (+12), Investigation 2 (+10), Perception 3 (+5), Treatment 4 (+12), Vehicles 2 (+4)

Powers Panda Physiology

  Leaping: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour)
  Movement: Movement 3 (Safe Fall, Sure-footed 1, Wall-crawling 1: -1 speed rank)
  Prehensile Feet: Feature 1
  Regeneration: Regeneration 3 (Every 3.33 rounds)
  Speed: Speed 2 (Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)

Panda Senses: Senses 4 (Acute (Type): Scent, Low-light Vision, Ranged: Scent) Sense of fun: Cumulative Affliction 2 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 12; Cumulative, Subtle: subtle; Limited Degree, Sense-dependent: Olfactory)

Offense Initiative +8 Grab, +6 (DC Spec 18) Sense of fun: Cumulative Affliction 2, +6 (DC Will 12) Throw, +2 (DC 23) Unarmed, +6 (DC 23)

Complications Motivation: Responsibility: Feels a sense of duty Prejudice: Although erudite and politically minded, people rarely take Panda seriously, one of the reasons she joined Stormwatch is Henry Bendix talked to her like a normal person and even consults her on political issues.

Languages English, Gaelic

Defense Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 7, Will 7

Power Points Abilities 88 + Powers 16 + Advantages 10 + Skills 22 (43 ranks) + Defenses 14 = 150

Played by Angela Daly

Shadow Dancer

Shadow Dancer - PL 10

Strength 4, Stamina 10, Agility 10, Dexterity 0, Fighting 10, Intellect 0, Awareness 4, Presence 2

Advantages Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Evasion 2, Fearless, Hide in Plain Sight, Jack-of-all-trades, Power Attack, Skill Mastery: Acrobatics, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge

Skills Acrobatics 1 (+11), Athletics 4 (+8), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Soldier 2 (+2), Intimidation 6 (+8), Perception 6 (+10), Ranged Combat: Throw 4 (+4), Stealth 1 (+11)

Powers Shadow Blade: Strength-based Damage 6 (DC 25) Shadow Form

  Chill of the Shadow Realm: Burst Area Blast 6 (DC 21; Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, Penetrating 6; Diminished Range)
  Shadow Form (Activation: Standard Action)
     Concealment: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Blending, Limited: Only in darkness/Shadow, Passive)
     Immunity: Immunity 0
     Insubstantial: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Precise)
     Movement: Movement 0
  Shadow Limbs: Move Object 6 (3200 lbs., DC 21; Damaging, Precise, Split 2: 3 targets)
  Shadow Step: Teleport 8 (1 mile in a move action, carrying 200 lbs.; Change Velocity, Increased Mass 2, Turnabout)

Shadow Vision: Senses 5 (Counters All Concealment: Illusion; Activation 2: standard action)

Offense Initiative +10 Chill of the Shadow Realm: Burst Area Blast 6 (DC 21) Grab, +10 (DC Spec 14) Shadow Blade: Strength-based Damage 6, +10 (DC 25) Shadow Limbs: Move Object 6, +0 (DC 21) Throw, +4 (DC 19) Unarmed, +10 (DC 19)

Complications Accident: Partially merged with the Shadow Realm Enemy: Enemies from the time she was a merc Motivation: Responsibility: While motivated to "serve" , She's not particularly conscience ridden. She doesnt have nightmares about the past, she just found it unfulfilling being a merc.

Languages English

Defense Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points Abilities 80 + Powers 37 + Advantages 12 + Skills 15 (30 ranks) + Defenses 6 = 150

Played by Andrew Nicholson