Marvel Heroic

From Milton Keynes RPG Club

M.I. 13

Chronicles of M.I.13

What has gone before: What would become M.I. 13 was originally conceived of in the 1580’s under the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First. While Sir Francis Walsingham was building the first spy network to protect her majesty from the Catholics and the Spanish, her friend and confidante – John Dee offered an alternate network.

John Dee was an occultist, amongst his many other academic studies and was the Queen’s astrologer and scientific advisor. With the aid of Edward Talbot he secured all of the occult tomes and objects in Britain so they couldn’t be used against her majesty. Unfortunately his relationship with Talbot and their investigations into talking with Angels led the astray from the British Isles and he was replaced. However out of respect for the work he did for 25 years to protect her majesty, future heads of M.I. 13 are known as “D”.

The popularity and need of this group of occultists ebbed and waned, depending on the religious beliefs of those in charge and the threats to our shores. It’s agents faded into obscurity during the witch hunts of the 1600’s. They became popular again during the early 18th century as the Romantic poets began to write of Daemon’s and magic.

We don't need your Civil War

The eight weeks establish the protection of the UK by Britain's first super team, and this section contains the write-ups of game sessions so far.

Apocalypse Rising

Hopefully we get to play this game.


The Heroes and Villains we meet along the way