The Cursed Darkness - Differences in Canon
The following is list of the most significant differences from the Canon used for this game. Note that the game is based only on the first book in the Corwin Chronicles entitled '[[Amber Diceless RPG - Nine Princes in Amber|Nine Princes in Amber]' by Roger Zelazny.
Artefacts are sought after items of power.
- The Jewel of Judgement is rumoured to be a giant green gem, located in a secret location in Palace Amber.
The various characters of note.
- The Amber Genealogical Birth Order used is quite different to what Corwin describes in Canon.
- Benedict is wise. He has studied the martial arts and magic. He is highly spiritual and enlightened. His warrior side complements a peaceful, kind and understanding demeanour.
- Bleys does not have Sorcery or Trump Artistry.
- Brand is an explorer, a seeker of truth, understanding and communication.
- Fiona does not understand the mystical arts. Some claim she is a master spy.
- Llewella is Rebma’s war strategist, though perhaps not on quite the same footing as Eric, Corwin and Benedict.
- Vialle is a crazed religious fanatic that Eric allowed to stay with Random in prison, to make Random even more miserable.
The various location of interest that may possibly be visited.
- Avalon - There is no Avalon in this game.
- The Courts of Chaos are an uninhabited city, composed of tiered walls that constantly move, a repository of all the subconscious fears and desires of the Amber royal family.
- Shadow Earth time is concurrent with time on the real Earth. Corwin's journey started in 1973, and the year is now 1977. Star Wars is about to come be released.
- Tir-na Nog’th is an elven city that exists within Forest Arden. It materialises there every spring and summer, but disappears back into the faerie world every autumn and winter.
The various powers and abilities that a character may have access to.
- The Logrus is not in the Courts of Chaos, but a well of infinite blackness within the within the cursed Valley of Garnath.
- Trumps are always cool to the touch, whether or not the subject is dead.
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