STAR TREK : Strange New Worlds - Episode Guide

From Milton Keynes RPG Club

This page details the episodes of STAR TREK : Strange New Worlds, a STAR TREK campaign by Martin Goodson.

Season One

Season one begins with our heroes stuck in a boring, tedious and uninteresting assignment on a starbase where nothing interesting has happened in close to a century. In the first episode, that abruptly changes ...

The Threat Of The Drakaera

Production Code: 0101 First UK broadcast: 31 March to 21 April 2009


A small team of inexperienced Starfleet officers straight from the Academy, screw-ups and no-hopers all, are assigned to retrieve a ghost ship from a sector of space that is as dangerous as it is unknown ... what could possibly go horribly wrong?

Ever since Starfleet encountered the Drakaeran Imperium ninety years ago, and discovered them to be strict isolationists with absolutely no interest in maintaining any kind of relations with the Federation, the Drakaera sector has been quiet. With little strategic value, even the Dominion War passed it by.

Starfleet's sole presence in the sector is Watchtower 12, a small manned communications and navigational relay station. A third-rate posting in a third-rate sector, Academy graduates are usually posted here only if they're unlucky, immense screw-ups, or if they've somehow managed to make enemies of important people in their short careers.

An assignment to Watchtower 12 is dull. An assignment to Watchtower 12 is likely to be staggeringly uneventful. An assignment to Watchtower 12 is, figuratively speaking, where one's career goes to die. Nothing ever happens at Watchtower 12.

Until now, perhaps.

On Stardate 56850 Starfleet Command received a transmission from the Drakaeran Imperium, breaking over 85 years of communications silence. It was simple, concise, and to the point:


An image of the intruder, and a set of co-ordinates, was transmitted along with the message.

The Commanding Officer of Watchtower 12 was surprised to receive a coded priority one message from Starfleet Command instructing him to send a team deep into Drakaeran space to retrieve the USS Defiant, lost over a century previously.

Unfortunately, being short-handed, he really didn't have much of a choice of staff for the mission ...

Guest starring

  • Commander Marcus Fleming, commanding officer of Watchtower 12. Human male.
  • Captain Taevel, captain of the USS Apollo. Bolian male.
  • Ensign Arene Tannekar, Engineer. Bolian female.
  • A'Elfris, servitor of the first Drakaeran Triumvirate. 'Servitor' male.
  • Kerit, servitor/ally of the Renegade Drakaeran. 'Servitor' male.
  • Karel, servitor/ally of the Renegade Drakaeran. 'Servitor' female.
  • The Drakaera, planet-sized extra-universal pseudo-sentient subspace parasite. Species unknown, gender indeterminate/possibly not applicable.
  • The Drakaerans, species of alien based on the biomass of The Drakaera that had, over millions of years, developed a collective sentience independent of The Drakaera. Species designated Drakaeran by Starfleet, gender not applicable.
  • First Drakaeran Triumvirate, a group of three Drakaerans tasked with overall control of Drakaeran bureaucracy. In effect, the 'leaders' of the Drakaeran Imperium.

Memorable Quotes

Ensign T'Saia: I'm going to mind-meld with it.
GM: Mind-melding with something the size of a planet is probably a bad idea.

Conversations With A (Planet) Killer

Production Code: 0102 First UK broadcast: 28 April to 12 May 2009


Nine months after their first mission into Drakaeran space, the new leader of the Drakaeran Republic - Chancellor A'Elfris - invites the crew of the USS Wyvern back to the forbidden planet they blew a very large hole in. There, a large subspace anomaly - the crew confirm it to be some manner of artificially generated wormhole - is to be found.

Much to the concern of the crew - and everyone else - a Planet Killer emerges. Confusingly, it seems more than willing to chat ...

Guest starring

  • Commander Marcus Fleming, commanding officer of Watchtower 12. Human male.
  • Captain Vel Tharis, commanding officer of the USS Lancashire. Andorian male.
  • A'Elfris, former servitor of the first Drakaeran Triumvirate, and now Chanceller of the Drakaeran Republic. 'Servitor' male.
  • First Drakaeran Triumvirate, the former 'leaders' of the Drakaeran Imperium and now sharing power with A'Elfris. They'd like it to be noted that they're quite nice, really, once you get to know them.
  • Elor, mad computer controlling the Planet Killer.
  • Erak Kirn, head man of a Passangari village.
  • Shelina, wife of Erak Kirn.

Memorable Quotes

First Drakaeran Triumvirate: Hello ... we're not evil anymore.

Planet Of The Damned

Production Code: 0103 First UK Broadcast: 19 May to 2 June 2009


Returning from their fateful encounter with the planet killer the crew of the USS Wyvern are surprised to find themselves seconded to the Drakaeran Republic's Expeditionary Force. Upon arrival on Drakaera Prime they are even more surprised to find themselves the subject of adulation and ridiculously embarrassing hero worship - they are much relieved to be sent on a mission to Kelmaka II, to discover just why contact with the new colony in that remote star system has been lost.

Arriving at the planet they find a peaceful, calm, idyllic world whose 'back to nature' colonists are almost superhumanly boring and tedious. The colonists are also completely devoid of any emotion that can be detected, and seemingly screaming inside ...

Returning to their quarters after a Welcome meal, the crew are somewhat surprised to find a bomb in their room with only seconds left on the clock ...

Guest starring

  • Commander Marcus Fleming (aka 'Commander Hypochondriac'), commanding officer of Watchtower 12. Human male.
  • A'Elfris, former servitor of the first Drakaeran Triumvirate, and now Chanceller of the Drakaeran Republic. 'Servitor' male.
  • First Drakaeran Triumvirate, the former 'leaders' of the Drakaeran Imperium and now sharing power with A'Elfris. They're still keen to point out they're not evil.
  • Administrator Dar, leader of the Kelmaka II colony. Servitor male.
  • Unnamed Drakaeran triumvirate on Kelmaka II. They're not evil. But they are boring.
  • Unnamed children (male and female)

Memorable Quotes

GM: OK, you successfully use your receptive telepathy to see what the Administrator is thinking. It goes like this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

(The crew discover a crashed meteorite, which contains the remnants of some dead interphasic bacteria)
Morbrok: They're pushing up daisies!
GM: They'd have to be interphasic daisies, of course.

Season Two

With Starfleet wisely deciding that the Drakaera Sector just isn't safe with the USS Wyvern anywhere near it, and the Wyvern crew weary of the ludicrously over-the-top hero worship of the Drakaeran Imperium, season two begins a new mission for the USS Wyvern and her intrepid crew.

The USS Endeavour has been assigned deep-space exploration duties in the Va'Kessa Expanse, an uncharted section of space on the very edge of Federation territory. The Wyvern, and crew, have been assigned to the Endeavour as pathfinders.

Starfleet may yet come to regret that decision.

Ne Irascaris Domine

Production Code: 0201 First UK broadcast: 1st September 2009 to October 20th 2009

Subsequent episodes in season two were not broadcast due to a writer's strike. Or something.

Season Three

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starfleet Runabout Wyvern. Its ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations ... to boldly avoid exploding while boldly going where no one has boldly gone before!

The continuing story of the crew of the USS Wyvern, the most unlikely bunch of galaxy-saving heroes known to Starfleet. What happened to them? Are the Drakaerans still 'Not Evil'? Is a certain mentally-disturbed Vulcan still wearing hot pants? Has Morbrok Brok managed to get the Wyvern to travel faster than warp five without exploding? All of these questions, and possibly even some more, may well be answered. If you're lucky.

Terminal Inertia

Production Code: 0301 First UK broadcast: 10th April 2012


Stardate 59273

It has been two years since the USS Endeavour and the Starfleet runabout Wyvern were assigned a deep-space exploration mission to chart and explore the mysterious Va'Kessa Expanse.

It has been 18 months since the Endeavour and the Wyvern vanished, seemingly without trace.

It has been a year since Starfleet officially declared both ships lost in space.

It has been five days since the Drakaeran Republic contacted Starfleet and reported that the Wyvern had been discovered - adrift and with no signs of life - in orbit of Telkiminar VII, a gas giant in one of their star systems.

A hastily assembled crew has been thrown together and tasked with establishing what happened to the Wyvern, and the crew of the Endeavour.

Scanning the returned ship, the hull is found to have been exposed to unstable Verteron particles - particles found only in dangerously unstable wormholes ...

Guest starring

  • Commander Marcus Fleming (aka 'Commander Hypochondriac'), commanding officer of Watchtower 12. Human male.
  • A'Elfris, former servitor of the first Drakaeran Triumvirate, and now Chanceller of the Drakaeran Republic. 'Servitor' male.