Outside the club

From Milton Keynes RPG Club

Various Conventions, RPGs, board games, online games and other activities that members of the club participate in.

Active Games

  • Indie Mondays: Indie and Story games run at Wargames Workshop on Monday evenings.

Local games shops

Wargames Workshop is a shop and game cafe in Kingston (behind the big Tesco). It has a good selection of boardgames and wargames, and a limited selection of RPGs. They can order in other games. They host RPGs and board games in the cafe, plus organised play of wargames and CCGs.

Leisure Games has about the finest collection of RPGs, and particularly indie RPGs, in the UK. They're in North London, but do plenty of mail order.

Tabletop MK is a game shop in Wolverton, MK.


Some conventions where you're likely to find club members attending include:

Concrete Cow

Our own one-day convention, organised by club members, taking place twice a year in Wolverton.

UK Games Expo

The UK's largest tabletop gaming convention, held at the NEC in Birmingham, covering RPGs, board games and wargames. There's a full programme of one-shot RPGs, plus a massive trade hall.

The Garricons

A group of weekend conventions all taking place at the Garrison hotel in Sheffield: Revelation (PBTA games), North Star (sci-fi games), Seven Hills and Furnace.

The Owlbear and Wizard's Staff

A two day convention based in Leamington Spa.


A five day convention held in January at the Searles holiday park in Hunstanton. The organisers also run two spin-off conventions, Condensed and Conducked.

See also the UK Convention Calendar maintained by Phil Masters, Dave Wright's UK & Ireland RPG & Board Game Conventions list and the Conventions forum on the Tavern.

Other RPG clubs

The London Indie RPG group meet one Saturday a month to play various indie RPGs. MK club members often attend.

Local boardgame clubs and meetups

Past Games

By Design

A 'Play by Message Board' Amber Diceless RPG campaign with participants from around the world and run by Kevin Dennis.

Hot War: The Law of Supply and Demand

A game running under the umbrella of the Compendium group, this is a tabletop RPG campaign, currently meeting on Monday nights.

Edge of the Empire

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire James Hollywood GMing Space Opera stories on the Outer Rim.

Ancestral Voices

A 'Play by Email' Amber Diceless RPG Campaign with participants from around the world. Sadly Ancestral Voices is no more and the pages are here for reference only.