HeroQuest crib sheet
A summary of the tables used in HeroQuest.
Contest summary
For Simple and Extended contests
Critical | Success | Failure | Fumble | |
Critical | Low = Marginal High = Transfer ½× |
Minor Transfer 1× |
Major Transfer 2× |
Complete Transfer 3× |
Success | Minor Transfer 1× |
Low = Marginal High = Forfeit ½× |
Minor Forfeit 1× |
Major Forfeit 2× |
Failure | Major Transfer 2× |
Minor Forfeit 1× |
Low = Marginal High = Forfeit ½× |
Minor Winner forfeit 1× |
Fumble | Complete Transfer 3× |
Major Forfeit 2× |
Minor Forfeit 1× |
Tie (both marginal defeat) Tie (both forfeit ½×) |
Outcome | AP Equivalent | Consequences | Combat Outcome | Augmentation | AP Loan |
Complete Victory | Double Bonus | Target gains | |||
Major Victory | Bonus | Target gains Lender loses | |||
Minor Victory | Bonus | Target gains Lender loses | |||
Marginal Victory | ½ Bonus | Target gains Lender loses | |||
Tie | No effect | No effect | |||
Marginal Defeat | 0 to -10 | None significant | Dazed | ½ Penalty | Lender loses ½ |
Minor Defeat | -11 to -20 | -1/10 victor's ability | Hurt | ½ Penalty | Lender loses |
Major Defeat | -21 to -30 | -50% | Injured | Penalty | Both lose |
Complete Defeat | -31 or more | No actions | Dying | Penalty | Both lose |
For variable augmentations, Resistance is Desired bonus × 5. For automatic augmentations, bonus is:
Ability | Augment |
5 - 14 | +1 |
15 - 4W | +2 |
5W - 14W | +3 |
15W - 4W2 | +4 |
5W2 - 14W2 | +5 |
AP Loan
Resistance is number of APs loaned
A synopsis of the HeroQuest rules can be found on the support page of the official Glorantha website.
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