Games Played in 2017

From Milton Keynes RPG Club

Block 5: 07 November – 02 January 2018

Burnt Offerings

Goblins chew and goblins bite,

Goblins cut and goblins fight,

Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,

We be goblins—you be food!

Its not easy to be a young orphan, even more so when one of your friends is the target of an evil hunt.

Its not easy to be a teenager, even more so when even more so when there's a serial killer about.

Its not easy to be an adult returning to their home to find it is once more in danger - a disaster only you can prevent ;

  • Why have you been targeted all these years ?
  • Who is behind it all ?
  • What is the secret of the Seven-Pointed star ?

and above all, can you save Sandpoint - or will evil have its.... Burnt Offerings ?

Solve the mysteries, uncover the conspiracy, save the town, and learn lots of Goblin rhymes ! .

This game will be very suitable for both people new to RPGs and to more experienced players.

Further Info As I'm likely to miss the pitch evening......

The story is split into three sections : 1) where the PCs are young children, setting up the situation and allowing people to learn the core game rules. 2) where the PC are teenagers , choosing their apprenticeships and life paths, 3) The main adventure.

Previous experience is that this is a game where the PC's become quite attached to the NPCs they meet - so while there is some traditional dungeon delving, there is also plenty of mystery solving, npc interaction and world building.

Expected to last 1 to 2 blocks -no longer!. (Previous runs have been just under 2 blocks)

As I am likely to have to miss the pitch evening due to illness, perhaps some of the players of the previous runs of this would be kind enough to answer questions - but please dont give away spoilers !

For a more info, go to Burnt Offerings

As a final note : this builds week upon week, so while missing the odd session is ok, if you know you may have difficulty attending regularly due to work shifts, childcare (etc), other games being offered this block would probably suit you better.

Game details

  • Rules System: D&D (OSR 1st Edition clone - while it is not 'lamentations' it will be familiar to those that have played that)
  • Players: 3–6
  • Proposed by: Andy Nicholson

Utter East Season Two: Fire on the Water

Elevator Pitch: Political Thriller meets Martial Arts epic in a Himalayan Fantasy setting. It’s like Game of Thrones in ancient India. D&D 3.5 with Pathfinder (Level 6).

This game will pick up where the current long block finishes. You are agents of a great house, trying to rule your kingdom, and counter the machinations of your rivals. So far in season one said machinations have included: trickery, murder, Impersonating house soldiers, attempted assassination (in the bath), arson (and resulting property damage), grand theft silkworms, potentially petty theft of other stuff (its hard to tell with all the property damage), poisoning, extortion and gloating smugly. You are about to have to contend with arranged marriages and worse...

Game details

This is a continuing game, so returnees will naturally have priority. That said we can easily fit a couple more people in. Our group could certainly use a dedicated arcane spellcaster.

  • Rules System: D&D 3.5/pathfinder
  • Players: 2–7
  • GM: Alex Barrett

Heaven & Earth: Ye cannot serve God and Mammon - Part Two

Potter's Lake, Kansas - a little slice of paradise in the middle of rural America. After the recent development of the Lakeside Housing Estate, investors in Kansas City have turned their eyes on the town. Plans are underway to build a large number of large, fashionable timber lodges. It will bring more people to the town, boost the local economy, and really put the small town on the map. The local lumber mill is getting ready to cut down a large area of the woods to the west of the town. The woods have long been a place the locals have shunned, despite its beauty. Maybe its time to put the superstitions of the past to rest in the name of progress and the economy...

This is a continuation of the "Welcome to Potter's Lake" campaign that I ran several long-blocks ago as well as the most recent long-block. New players and returning players are both welcome.

Game details

In Hunting a Monster

'So you have survived Rathess eh? Good good..... I would have been disappointed if godly beings could so easily be destroyed. Rather than return to a country that hates you, come south to me and I will share with you a prophecy of great horror!'

Set in a world of combined mythology you take on the mantles of great heroes, wise scholars and noble adventurers. Fight creatures of darkness, demons and a totalitarian regime who think you are the devil. Play king Solomon the wise, robin hood, Achilles or medieval batman.

Anyone who knows vampire knows how to play, returning players welcome.

Game details

  • System: Exalted
  • Players: 3-5
  • Proposed by: William Morris

Elite Dangerous

A universe transformed by cheap faster than light travel has far from brought everyone together. Every Tom, Daschiel and Hsien-Feng fancies himself a Pirate Lord or Ruthless space trader. Its a dog eat you world filled with heartless corporations, space mad truckers, fantatical colonist cults and merciless independent militias.

Whether you are buried deep into Sol bubble, out near the anarchic Sirius cluster, looking for little green men in the Pleiades or way way out there eating fruit loops with Jeffery Dahmer while staring into Sagittarius A* - you gotta make a buck somehow.

You will be a small group of determined space rats aboard a medium sized vessel, a cyber-punk styled group of traders, pirates, explorers or bounty hunters. We will define the major factions based on ones within the existing elite universe and a few of our own to spice things up and set the dial to Space Opera.

Same page description

  • Do you play to win? Good play isn’t a win/lose kind of thing
  • Player characters are: expected to work together; major conflicts might erupt and never see reconciliation
  • The GM’s role is: The GM has no plan—the GM simply plays the NPCs and has them act or react based on their motivations. The GM asks questions about the setting to help flesh out the plot.
  • The players’ roles are… to fling their characters into tough situations and make hard, sometimes, unwise choices
  • A fistfight breaks out in a bar! The details of where everything is—tables, chairs, where everyone is standing—is something that… isn’t really that important other than it makes for an interesting scene; pretty much anyone can come up with details.
  • This game runs best when the players take time to create characters that are… given strong motivations and an immediate problem or crisis, tied into the other characters as (allies) (enemies) (as either)

Game details

Justice Avengers : Invasion!

It has been three months since the infamous Night of Darkness, when the world watched on helplessly as The Justice Avengers heroically sacrificed their lives to prevent the detonation of Professor Malice's Antimatter Doomsday Bomb. The world has tried to struggle on without the legendary Supersoldier, Darkclaw, Speed Demon, Amazon, Iron Lantern, Jupiter and The Ancient Mariner*, but as global security agencies find themselves outmatched by the most ruthless and nefarious supervillains it is becoming increasingly obvious that the world needs superheroic defenders.

Now an unlikely group of heroes find themselves being visited by Director Justin Storm of the Superhuman Threat Analysis and Response Taskforce with an incredible offer ...

This is an eight-part weekly mini-series in which a small group of neophyte superheroes are invited to step up and take on the mantle of the World's Greatest Heroes™. But is all what it seems? Can S.T.A.R.T be trusted? Are the Justice Avengers gone for good? Are these inexperienced heroes truly up to the task of defending mankind from the threat of the most villainous beings on Earth? Can they face the challenge of an alien invasion from the most unlikely of sources? Sign up to issue #1 and see!

Excelsior, True Believers!

* Comic book fans may recognise most of those names. Is that a clue? Maybe ...

Game details

  • System: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying/Cortex+
  • Number of Players: 4+
  • Proposed by: Martin Goodson

Kat's Smorgasbord

4-5 players. A selection of one-shot games who want to try new things. Mostly horror or weird tale based, Cthulhu Dark, Black Hack, Lamentations of the Flame Princess. All very rules light and more focused on roleplaying.

  • Rules System: Varies
  • Players: 3–6
  • Proposed by: Kat Jenkyns

Block 4: : 22 August – 31 October 2017

The Tycherosi Bat

Blades cover-683x1024.jpg
Vey, one of your crew, went out last night on a small job for Myre. He turned up dead this morning. Now Lizette the leech has arrived, offering you a bit too much money to steal a book from the Wraiths, another gang. She's put some money on the table, but she's fingering something else in her pocket.
She wants your answer.
Do you ignore her to go after Myre? Do you take the money? Do you tell Lizette to fuck off? Do you pretend to agree, then tell the Wraiths? Is this all a trap to find out what Lizette knows? If so, do a flashback and plan the trap.

Blades in the Dark is a game about a group of daring scoundrels building a criminal enterprise on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy city. There are heists, chases, escapes, dangerous bargains, bloody skirmishes, deceptions, betrayals, victories, and deaths.

We’ll play to find out if the fledgling crew can thrive amidst the teeming threats of rival gangs, powerful noble families, vengeful ghosts, the bluecoats of the City Watch, and the siren song of the scoundrel’s own vices.

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story? No-one plans anything. PCs and NPCs just do what seems right at that moment. This might or might not lead to a good story.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? Their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory, plus story bits when the rules call for it.
  • The rules will be followed, come what may.
  • Player characters are expected to work together. Major conflicts might erupt and never see reconciliation.
  • How brutal is the game? Whenever I miss a roll – and sometimes even when I make it – I want the situation to escalate.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: a meaningful moment, powerful and an example of excellent play.

Game details

The Crimson Idol


New York City, 1951. Home of the innocent, and the depraved.

The rain endlessly rattles against the windows, casting a dour mood over an already gloomy office. It's been two months since the last case, and the strain shows on every face in the room. Silent glances, idle holding of empty cups and emptier bottles, ash in a cigarette tray. Seemed like everything had run out except the rain.

Work is scarce when you have a reputation as mixed as the ours. It's not that we didn't get the job done, but let's just say that the doing of it often led to questions potential clients would rather not deal with.

They weren't wrong. You'd have to be foolish, or down-right desperate to hire us in that state. That's when the knock came at the door.

A showman, soaked in rain and fear. Spoke of some broad, an actress, a starlet, found dead on his stage. Now the police, the banks, and the devil were after him. Claimed he was innocent, that he was framed. Who knows, but his money is better than his word.

A desperate man at the end of his tether turns to a pack of jokers like us. What else could we do? We took the case.


As detectives in an American 1950's era noir PI firm, the players will have to uncover the truth behind a deadly mystery that not only threatens the lives of those investigating it, but the lives of innocents should they fail. Money is ever tight, and this case is all that stands between you and the poor house.

Each investigator has come from a different walk of life, such as an ex-cop or a retired soldier, and has brought with them their own vices and flaws. Players will have to contend against their vices throughout the game, however sometimes giving in to a flaw could be beneficial to the case, and to their very survival.

This is a serious game. That's not to say that you can't crack a witty pun - just don't expect to insult the mafia crime lord and walk away without a new pair of concrete shoes.


DramaSystem promotes player interaction and dramatic situations above all else. Players will have opportunities to create interwoven relationships, guide the direction of the story, and change the narrative as it unfolds.

Players will be rewarded for progressing their investigation into the crime, as well as for giving in to temptation and vice.

A more detailed system breakdown is available here:

Game Details

  • System : DramaSystem
  • Players: 3 - 6

Proposed by: Anthony Edmonds

Heaven & Earth: Ye cannot serve God and Mammon

Potter's Lake, Kansas - a little slice of paradise in the middle of rural America. After the recent development of the Lakeside Housing Estate, investors in Kansas City have turned their eyes on the town. Plans are underway to build a large number of large, fashionable timber lodges. It will bring more people to the town, boost the local economy, and really put the small town on the map. The local lumber mill is getting ready to cut down a large area of the woods to the west of the town. The woods have long been a place the locals have shunned, despite its beauty. Maybe its time to put the superstitions of the past to rest in the name of progress and the economy...

This is a continuation of the "Welcome to Potter's Lake" campaign that I ran several long-blocks ago. New players and returning players (especially now they've finished playing Masks of Nyarlathotep!) are both welcome.

Game Details

The Return to Blackmouth


The guards of Blackmouth left the town with a mission to find the missing supply trains. They have managed to holt an alien invasion and find the reason behind the missing supplys.....or have they?


This will be a continuation of the game I ran last long block so prefrence will be given to returning players and if they all return then it will be full unfortuntly. But if they don't then there will be plenty of space and a good spot for new players to also join.

Game Details

Pandemonio: How to Destroy Angels

The Last War has begun. Demons feed on innocent souls while angels obliterate cities. Humans are caught in the middle: possessed, devoured, judged, damned.

The world needs a hero. Unfortunately, there aren't any -- so what the fuck, you might as well give it a try, right?

You're a Disciple, a blood-drenched sociopath on the front lines. Wielding bizarre magics like Sexpletive, Death Panel, Photobomb, and Gunfetti, you must hunt down merciless demons and repulsive angels, rescue innocent civilians and maintain a grip on the tattered vestiges of your humanity. How far will you go to destroy your enemy? Will you resort to cannibalism? Are you certain? Listen, don't knock it until you've tried it.

Pandemonio is a fast-paced game of splatterpunk action in a world of violence and decay. You'll need some 12-sided dice and a mind full of nailbombs, scaphism, and hollow-point bullets.

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story? The GM preps a map with NPCs and/or monsters. The players have their characters travel anywhere they can reach on the map, according to their own goals.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? Their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory, plus occasional story bits when they spend a resource (such as whimsy cards or hero points) or make certain kinds of rolls, subject to GM's approval.
  • The rules will be followed, come what may.
  • Player characters are expected to work together. Major conflicts might erupt and never see reconciliation.
  • How brutal is the game? If you do dumb things, your character will die quickly.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: a meaningful moment, powerful and an example of excellent play.

Game Details

Utter East: A Thousand Feuds

Elevator Pitch

Political Thriller meets Martial Arts epic in a Himalayan Fantasy setting. It’s like Game of Thrones with jungles, mountains and Kung Fu! D&D 3.5 with Pathfinder and Nine Swords switched on (Level 5).

The Story

The remote town of Lharanabad is a dangerous place, a melting pot of cultures, full of intrigue and betrayal, danger and death. It is a frontier settlement on the edge of the towering Mountains of the Philosophers. Here the Holy River flows over an immense waterfall, down into the jungle shrouded lands below. Lharanabad is a town caught between the civilised Riverlands below, and the rugged Wilderlands above.

It is also yours.

Your noble family is on the rise in the great political game; your uncle was recently on the right side of a failed coup attempt against the Maharaja, and has gained ruler ship of the traitor’s lands. You are the retinue of a prince, princess or lord, sent to govern the city and its surrounding lands. Most importantly of all you are now custodians of its precious silk gardens, the key to your noble standing. You find yourselves in a city of spies and assassins, saboteurs and malcontents, but fortunately you have agents of your own. Play your cards right and this could be the first step on the path to greatness, fail and you will earn the ire of your family, if you survive the daggers in your back.

The World

The setting is a fantasy world loosely based on the Himalayas, with races and philosophies drawn from the myths and folklore of South East Asia. The lands along the rivers are dotted with human cities ruled by scheming nobles, but these are points of light in wider darkness. The deep jungles contain the lands of the serpentine Naga, and monkey like Vanara of Indian legend. High in the cloud swathed mountains are remote monasteries where ancient orders of monks study the traditions of the Nine Swords. Other common races include the descendants of the river spirits, and exiled lords with fire in their blood.


This game will use Dungeons and Dragons v3.5, with Pathfinder options switched on. In general I am happy for people to mix and match 3.5 and pathfinder as they see fit. Playable races will be restricted somewhat due to the themes of the setting (Humans, Naga, Vanara, Ifrit, Goliath, and Gillfolk.) I want to make sure that this game serves as a good introduction to 3.x D&D for anyone who isn’t familiar with it so will not be allowing character optimisation (It will be a more social game anyway). Books which are of particular relevance for this game are: The Book of Nine Swords, Oriental Adventures, and Ultimate Intrigue. You will be fifth level (so 2 feats, 1 ability score increase, 9000 Gp Starting wealth).

Same Page

Utter East: Same page description.

  • Who prepares the story? The players prepare goals for their characters. The GM prepares the agendas and plans of NPCs in the world around them. These goals interact in interesting ways, as the GM and players shape them into a coherent narrative.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? The Players bring their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory. The GM shapes the world in which they live in, but will happily consider suggestions from the players.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: Ignored when they conflict with what would be good for the story or what "should" happen, based either on realism, the setting, or the genre.
  • Player characters are: Pursuing their own agendas. They will likely start out working together, but some may have divided loyalties. Conflicts may arise and never see reconciliation.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: a meaningful moment, powerful and an example of excellent play.
  • Do you play to win? Your characters will, the players might not.
  • How much comedy/wacky/silliness should there be? As GM I will write a serious game, in the knowledge that the players will inevitably try to turn it into a wacky comedy. These opposing forces will generally cancel out to provide a drama based game with plenty of light hearted moments.

It is worth stressing; this is a political thriller, not a hack and slash style game. If you find yourself in a dungeon you have probably been (wrongly?) imprisoned by one of your rivals.

Game Details

  • System: D&D3.5/Pathfinder (lvl 5)
  • Players: 3-6
  • GM: Alex Barrett

Lambs Far From Home

"I think I have worked out what God is punishing us for: everything."

This green and pleasant land has long since soured. Every old lady is accused of being a witch, plague threatens the land, the ruling class are corrupt, the fields begrudgingly grow food - its not the fairest of times to be alive. You may believe you're travelling for fame and fortune, or to find a missing loved one, or to hunt a foe; on a day to day basis however you're searching for the next warm meal and perhaps a few copper coins to get yourself a comfy bed for the night (that doesn't wriggle or at least not too much). In a land where doing an honest day's work yields precious little, you have banded together with other 'adventurers' for there is still a way to carve your living with the sharp edge of a sword.

Join me in a trip through various weird horror and fantasy adventures as we delve into a world of pain, misery, and a struggle to survive. We will be using the OSR system "Troika!"; this is very easy to pick up and play so no experience required. The setting is probably best described as "dark England", circa 17th century. You will have swords and arrows, perhaps a few spells (though you'd best keep them secret), and the strength of your band of fellow travellers. Predominantly striving to be serious with moments of black comedy (because you can't spell slaughter without laughter!).

Notes: Most of the sessions will contain elements of horror that will get pretty dark in places. I will contact all players privately to ascertain any no-go areas before we begin.

Game details

  • System: Troika! (OSR)
  • Number of Players: 5
  • Proposed by: Oli Palmer

Contagion of Law

You are the exalted, beings gifted with immense power who have the might to conquer armies, sway the minds of princes and rule over all of creation.

Unfortunately most of Creation thinks you are demons and want you dead.

Take on the role of the Solar exalted, right wrongs, fight bad guys and keep quiet about your powers.

Go across the mighty Riverlands and change the fate of the universe as you know it!

This is a serious game. Its also quite complex so people who like rules light this is not for you.

Anyone with experience can play a Dragonblood or Lunar

Game Details

Block 3: : 6 June – 25 July 2017

Masks of Nyarlathotep

The conclusion.

Its been a long,hard road, and only one cult remains....but what horrors awaits the Friends in the City Before Man?

Game Details

  • Rules System: Call of Cthulhu
  • Players: 4-7 (returning players will have priority)
  • GM: Andy Nicholson

Deathline Miami

Deathline Miami.jpeg

Set in a fictitious and clichéd Miami, 1982. This hotbed of strange supernatural power sees the you living your lives among the city's many factions of mortal, powerful, fae and monstrous creatures. Coked up Vampires vs Haitian Voodoo priests, ancient swamp gods vie for territory against Colombian drug cartels eager to import. Miami vice meets Vampire the Masquerade meets the Dresden Files with a bit of Scarface for good measure. Will you die a hero—a saviour for those who have never had enough—or live long enough to become the villain? Will you fight the darkness…or give in for power?

Game details

  • No of Players: 3-5 (please bring your own shutter shades)
  • System: Urban Shadows (Supernatural power plays powered by the Apocalypse)
  • Proposed by: Robin Poole

Quest for the King


Leading his armies against invaders from the west, King Avamere of Spall has pushed further into enemy territory, and further away from home. Left to rule in his stead, Queen Orelia of Spall has been afflicted with a terrible illness that slowly ebbs her life away. As Knights of Spall, the Queen has ordered you to head west in search of the King's army - both to warn him of this evil plot, and to summon him home before it is too late.

Last known to be beyond the western border of Spall, the King's armies are weeks away following their trail of battle. In order to reach him in time you will need to take a more direct route, be it cutting across the Blackmire, striking fearlessly into the Mountains of Nuh, or treading lightly into the ancient Dwarfhold of Gardin. Will you be able to reach the King, and bring him home before it is too late?


The Quest for the King is in your hands! The party must decide their route through the world, deciding betweens routes that are fast but perilous, or safe but slow. All characters are sworn Knights of Spall with an oath of duty and honour to the land and its people. Along the way there will be trials beyond forging a path, testing your commitment to the King, and your commitment to the People.

Characters begin at 4th level, standard array, with standard starting equipment and gold, plus a few bonus items from the DM. A half-page backstory and character avatar will provide further bonuses that may prove vital on your journey.

Game details

Colorado Dreamin'

The year is 2056. Welcome to the Front Range Free Zone, formerly known as Denver, Colorado. It’s kind of like Cold War Berlin, if Cold War Berlin was divided between 6 unfriendly powers in an uneasy detente, with massive extraterritorial corporations busily exploiting all the tension for fun and profit.

45 years ago, the world changed. Magic returned to the world, and with it creatures from myth and legend…and chaos. Existing nation-states fractured under the stress of economic and environmental catastrophe, virulent new diseases, and growing social unrest. Ethnic and racial conflicts were exacerbated by the advent of new kinds of human, and magic became the underdog’s ultimate equalizer.

This is your world: a world where megacorporations wield more influence than nation-states, where Chicago has become a post-apocalyptic hell-hole infested by alien spirits, where the United States of America is a distant memory. Surviving amid this chaos is hard. Thriving…means compromising. Breaking laws, breaking promises, breaking bones.

General campaign notes

Shadowrun is a mixture of science-fiction (specifically cyberpunk) and fantasy, set in an alternate future where magic has returned and megacorporations essentially run the world. PCs live and work in the grey boundary between organised crime, espionage, and terrorism, undertaking deniable and black operations for megacorporations, state governments, and sometimes, their neighbours.

I’m perfectly happy to start slowly for new players, so all are welcome.

Shoot straight.

Conserve ammo.

And never, ever deal with a dragon.

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story?: The players will decide who their characters are, and what kind of stories they want to be involved in. We will shape the overall campaign to suit the characters and the stories.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting?: Your characters’ thoughts, backstories and actions are entirely your own. You will be able to add occasional story elements by spending resources, and I welcome suggestions for additions that will make the game more fun or dramatic.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: ignored when they conflict with what would be best for the story, the setting/genre, or when they get in the way of the group having fun.
  • How brutal is the game? As brutal as the player group wants. By default, you should expect actions to have plausible consequences and NPCs to have reasonable motivations, but PC death should be limited to circumstances where it would be both dramatic and fun for all concerned.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: something that shouldn’t happen in this campaign

Game Details

  • Rules System: Shadowrun 3ed, with house rules
  • Players: 4–6
  • GM: Alan O Laoghaire

Kult: Divinity Lost

London, present day. In a city dominated by big business and government, there are some who look through the facade of modern society. They've seen that something is wrong. Worse though, it has seen them too.

The PCs are people with an interest in the strange and unusual and attending such events as seances and ghost watches, etc. Now, they have stumbled across something long buried that should have remained hidden.

Kult: Divinity Lost is a game of dark and adult horror

Game details

  • No of Players: 3-5
  • System: Powered by Apocalypse
  • Proposed by: Matt Sanderson


Attention citizens! Your friend, the Computer, has identified you as prospective candidates for the Troubleshooters. Congratulations!

As a Troubleshooter you are a member of Alpha Complex’s most expendable [CORRECTION: elite] force. You are tasked with finding trouble and then dealing with it. This traditionally involves shooting it, whatever it is. Occasionally this may also involve explosives, or highly volatile experimental technology, but usually shooting it suffices.

You and the rest of the clones in your troubleshooting team will be assigned missions involving hunting down mutants, terrorists, traitors, commies, [CLASSIFIED], secret societies, renegade bots, and [REDACTED]. The Troubleshooters are Alpha Complex's first and last line of defence, responsible for saving Alpha Complex from its greatest threat(s) - unless you accidentally become Alpha Complex’s greatest threat. Please do not do that. Friend Computer is watching you.

For your first mission please report to citizen [ERROR 31270E: undeclared variable '$briefing_officer'] in briefing room [REDACTED] where you will be briefed on a mission of the utmost importance, code-named MISSION [CLASSIFIED]. Thank you for your co-operation, and have a nice day-cycle!

Eight weeks of chaos and mayhem as barely competent troubleshooters try to complete barely logical missions assigned to them by a well meaning but ever so slightly mad computer. Stay alert, trust no one, and keep your laser handy!

From the game description : Completely rebuilt from the ground up, Paranoia is the classic RPG of a darkly humorous future, rebooted for a humorously dark present. All-new mechanics include a simple yet brilliant character-generation system, a bluffing-based card-driven combat system that encourages creativity, clever moves and lying, and a special Computer Dice which means even the simplest interaction can become hilariously fatal.

Game details

  • No of Players: 4+
  • System: PARANOIA : ULTRAVIOLET EDITION [WARNING : you are not authorized, at your current security level, to know more]
  • Proposed by: Martin Goodson

Echoes of war

“For some the war will never be over.”

Last week a wave came through, an old friend of yours Shepherd Rust Mordekai needs some help. Seems the orphanage he’s been running, for kids who lost their parents in the war, owes some money to local ‘pillar of the community’, Buzzard Lake.

Lake’s got tired of waitin’ for his money and plans on shutting the orphanage down. Unless you can help raise the funds Rust needs, see he’s got this cunning plan and just needs some daring folk to help him pull it off. . .

Game Details

  • Rules System: Firefly
  • Players: 3-5
  • GM: Tom Dachtler

Who's a Good Dog? Are you a Good Dog? Are you?


Countless centuries have gone by, and everything looks very different than it does now. Most building have crumbled to dust, and broken roads are buried deep beneath dense forests and layers of rocks. Here and there, the occasional ancient ruin or incomprehensible object surfaces, giving tantalising glimpses of a world that once was. The work of mankind has been reclaimed by nature, but we’re all gone. Humanity is no more. And those that remain — our best friends — start to reclaim our legacy. That’s Pugmire.

It’s a fantasy game with evolved dogs as the main characters. They live in the ruins of our world, using tools, language, and ingenuity to build a new civilisation in their image. And the kingdom of Pugmire is a center of that civilisation. Many of these dogs strive to learn about Man (also known as “the Old Ones”). They deify humanity as examples all should strive to emulate. Other nations, such as the cats in the Monarchies of Mau, have different perspectives on what came before, but all species recognise there was a world before this one, even though it’s now populated with mysteries and dangers. As the dogs explore the world, they create and invent many new things, but also use what they can salvage. Some have even learned how to use the strange artifacts left behind by the Old Ones. They see these as literal gifts from their gods — rare and unusual magic relics, spells, and enchantments. We might dimly recognise them as the results of some far-flung futuristic invention, but any sufficiently-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

These heroic dogs, eager for mystery and danger, are the characters you portray. As you explore this world — a world that is and yet isn’t the one we know — one question will follow your every decision: Are you a good dog?

You will be newly recruited pup's in service to the king, loyal guards ready to be Good Dogs. As you settle into your routine you'll soon learn that being a good dog may require more than blind obedience, a wet nose, and a waggy tail.

A simple traditional system (d20 with modifiers), this is basically your standard fantasy romp but you're a dog. The emphasis is on being awesome and good (or at least doing good deeds), with the expectation being a healthy balance between heroic battles and delightful roleplaying.

Game Details

Block 2: : 21 March – 9 May 2017

Fear the Reaper

Set in the Mass Effect Universe Humanity, on its re-exploration into the solar system, found a gargantuan machine on the other side of Pluto. Upon researching how to use it, they discovered they were far from alone.............

Decades later your crew of the Turian frigate "Reliant" are sent to investigate the strange disturbances on the planet Berkenstein.

Alongside the Turian Spectre Paia your group numbers a bunch of Rag-Tag team will fight mercanaries, rogue AI and possibly save the Galaxy.

Set between Mass Effect 2-3.

Possibly some heavy combat but am aiming to offer a mix.

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story?: The GM prepares the overall shape of the story, linear or branching. Players run their characters through these events. The GM gives hints to provide direction.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting?: Their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory; everything else is owned by the GM.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: followed, unless the GM says otherwise, will accept no rules lawyers!
  • Player characters are: expected to work together, major conflicts can arise but on a personal not professional level
  • How brutal is the game? Not brutal but don't be stupid, planetary authorities will kill people who go on murderhobo sprees
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: could mean the end of the galaxy as we know it

Game Details

  • Rules System: Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion (Houseruled)
  • Players: 3-6
  • GM: William Morris

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Peace at any Cost


Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the USS Athena. Its mission, to assist in the delicate negotiations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. To boldly go, and ensure peace in the quadrant.

With the rise in power of Chancellor Gowron, the defeat of the House of Duras and their Romulan allies, and the Federation's role in it all, there is much to be discussed between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets. An expansion to the Khitomer Accord, the historic peace treaty between the Klingons and the Federation, has been proposed, and now ambassadors from both sides are to meet to discuss the terms of the additions.

As a sign of faith, the USS Athena has been sent to escort the Klingon ambassadors from Qo'noS to Starbase 212 near the Klingon Border. The safe arrival of these envoys is critical to ensuring continued peace in the Alpha Quadrant, and a deeper friendship between the Klingons and the Federation.


Players will assume the roles of senior staff aboard the Galaxy class starship, USS Athena.

The events of the game are set after the Klingon civil war (TNG: Redemption), and following the events of the previous game (Star Trek: USS Valiant).

This game is open to new players. Any returning players may choose to transfer their characters over from the Valiant.

Game details

Masks of Nyarlathotep

A continuation of the game from the previous block.

On to Egypt. Will the investigators find the truth, or only blood,sand and death?

Game Details

  • Rules System: Call of Cthulhu
  • Players: 3-5 (returning players will have priority)
  • GM: Andy Nicholson

The Curse of the Yellow Jacket Mine

1871, Carson City. People in their droves are drawn to the frontier by the promise of opportunity, fame, and riches. Railroad tycoons, prospectors, greenhorns hoping to make a name for themselves - you name it, they're here. Late in April a rumour began circulating that a deposit of ghost rock had been discovered in an old mine that was abandoned in 1869. A group of miners made their way out to the mine, hoping to lay claim to the ghost rock and make their fortune. That was two weeks ago.

The PCs are lodging at the local saloon when a dishevelled man lurches through the door one night, his clothes torn and bloody. He is recognised as one of the miners. What happened up at the Yellow Jacket mine? Where are the other miners? And what caused those horrific wounds on the man's body?

Game Details

  • Rules System: Deadlands (classic)
  • Players: 3-6
  • GM: Amy Hewitt

Storm King's Thunder

Giants have emerged from their strongholds to threaten civilization as never before. Hill giants are stealing all the grain and livestock they can, while stone giants have been scouring settlements that have been around forever. Fire giants are press-ganging the small folk into the desert, while frost giant longships have been pillaging along the Sword Coast. Even the elusive cloud giants have been witnessed, their wondrous floating cities appearing above Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate. Where is the storm giant King Hekaton, who is tasked with keeping order among the giants?

The humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk of the Sword Coast will be crushed underfoot by the onslaught of these giant foes. The only chance at survival is for the small folk to work together to investigate this invasion and harness the power of rune magic, the giants’ weapon against their ancient enemies, the dragons. The only way the people of Faerun can restore order is to use the giants’ own power against them.

Game Details

Down the Rabbit Hole

Berkely, California; 1967.

A group of students at UC, Berkely are taking part in an unusual set of experiments in expanded consciousness. Whether or not you could call the experiments a success, they are certainly changing the subjects' perceptions, showing them entities that live in the cracks in our world. This only seems to be part of a larger web of conspiracy that may be linked to the explosive politics of the time, or may be something far older and more sinister. Either way, there is more at stake than just the lives and sanity of a group of students.

This short campaign is part of the larger campaign, A Poison Tree, currently in playtesting. It works as a standalone game, however, and no experience of the rest of the campaign is necessary.

Game Details

The Guards of Blackmouth

The town of Blackmouth is located in the mountains between the kingdoms of Svanklirik and Lasterria it is a town that keeps a fragile alliance together. The only thing that stops these kingdoms from going to war is the agreement to supply the town of Blackmouth with supplys since it needs materials from both kingdoms to survive. But with supplys heading to blackmouth from both kingdoms going missing the town guards have been dispatched to investigate where these supplys are to stop another war.

Game Details

  • Rules System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
  • Players: 3-6
  • GM: Andy Terrell

Block 1: : 3 January – 21 February 2017

Mage: the Awakening (Second Edition) - Tempus Fugit

Mage society is divided in the UK into six Consilia. The Consilium of Southern England, run by Pentacle Mages based in Oxford, faces numerous problems, the largest amongst them being that London, the largest city in their territory, is now under the complete control of the Seers of the Throne. To add further problems, a Mysterium cabal from the Consilium has recently disappeared. As the old regime comes under criticism for its failures, a power struggle is expected to begin, and soon, for new blood to take charge and return order.

A Mage the Awakening 2nd Edition Game for 4-6 players.

NOTE ON STYLE: This is primarily a political and investigative game, with a dash of horror, driven by the PCs who will play the upper-ranks of the Consilium power structure. If you are looking for a game with lots of magic being thrown around, and lots of combat, this is NOT the game for you.

Also, it should be highlighted that this is a fairly complex rules system. Knowledge of the rules is not a prerequisite, but it might put some people off, hence stating it up-front.

ADDITIONAL: I intend to offer a one-shot Mage game in the short block (potentially the first or second week), that will work both as a stand-alone story and as prequel to the campaign, seeing things from the enemy's perspective. Events there may shape what happens in following campaign ;-)

Game details

  • No of Players: 4–6
  • System: Chronicles of Darkness
  • Proposed by: Matt Sanderson

Interstellar Rescue

5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Mindjammers are Go!

It's Thunderbirds meets space opera. 

The inhabitants of the recently-recontacted colony world of Olkennedy are using Commonality high-tech, but don't really understand it. It goes wrong a lot, often catastrophically. 

The Commonality sponsors Interstellar Rescue, a mixed group of Commonality and Olkennedian personnel, to rescue those involved in these failures and perhaps persuade the Olkennedians that the Commonality have their best interests at heart. 

Faced with a series of disasters, will the heroes be able to save the day? Will the people love them or hate them? And what will their SOs think of the sacrifices they must make?

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story?: The GM prepares the overall shape of the story, linear or branching. Players run their characters through these events.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting?: Their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory, plus story bits when they spend a resource (such as whimsy cards or hero points) or make certain kinds of rolls, subject to GM's approval.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: followed, come what may.
  • Player characters are: expected to work together. Major conflicts might erupt but you'll patch them up given some time.
  • How brutal is the game? Don't hurt my character without warning. Tell me what the consequences of failure could be and let me back out if I don't like it.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: where the character becomes an NPC, right away or fairly soon.

Game details

  • No of Players: 4–6
  • System: Mindjammer 2ed (Fate Core variant)
  • Proposed by: Neil Smith

Masks of Nyarlathotep

A continuation of the game from the previous block.

On to Egypt. Will the investigators find the truth, or only blood,sand and death?

Game details

  • Players: 3-5 (returning players will have priority)
  • System: Call of Cthulhu
  • Proposed by: Andy Nicholson

Shadows of War

Battle the Mythos Against the Horror of War

Here are four longer scenarios set in and around the Second World War. Each scenario offers a distinct setting and location though, roughly speaking, each gives players at least a glimpse of the Mediterranean Sea.

International conflict is a background particularly conducive to Mythos horror as the urgencies of survival in war create opportunities to both mask and heighten the sanity-blasting effects of contact with the Mythos. These scenarios avoid battle-fronts, but place the investigators in risky situations where their own decisions determine success or failure, life and death.

Each scenario contains pre-generated characters for easy playability.

We can choose which scenarios to play ( I know some members have played Goodnight Vienna)

not expecting to get through them all perhaps go for the ones that interest the players.

If on the voting night we can choose the first scanrio so I can prep.

Goodnight Vienna: Set in September 1942 player are members of a bomber crew

No Pasaran!: set in the Spanish civil war players are members of an international Brigade

Thracian Gold: Bulgaria 1944 player are OSS/SOE agents on a mission behind enemy lines

Isle of Lost Souls: Greek islands 1952 The players are a team of archeologists conducting a dig.

Game details

DEMON HUNTERS: A Comedy of Terrors

Dh cot cover.jpg

You are Demon Hunters, members of an ancient order tasked by Heaven with defending the world from the Forces of Evil™ and Darkness™. It's your job to track down the things that go bump in the night and then bump back hard with extreme prejudice using magic, guns, ninja skills, mad science, ancient artifacts, and - surprisingly often - obscenely large quantities of military grade high explosives.

You and your fellow hunters are a chapter of the ancient Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, and you are planet Earth's last - indeed, only - line of defence against the supernatural threat of Devils, Demons, malevolent fae, ancient warlocks, Werewolves, Vampires, Extra-dimensional non-Euclidean Entities, and a whole bunch of other deeply unpleasant supernatural gribblies.

Well, that's the theory, anyway. They say 'The Earth' but actually you've only been assigned to look after a small bit of it, and it's not a particularly interesting bit. It seems like your assignment has all the occult significance of a small piece of chewing gum. Sure, OK, you've screwed up in the past - who hasn't? - but it's totally unfair the way they've dumped you in the middle of nowhere like this. You didn't think it was possible for a Demon Hunter to die of boredom, and yet ...

But hey, don't worry. Things are about to get ... interesting. You're definitely not dying of boredom.

(CAUTION: Other causes of death cannot be ruled out. Brotherhood Agents are reminded to keep their life/medical insurance up to date).

DEMON HUNTERS: A Comedy of Terrors is a roleplaying game that blends comedy and action-horror in a modern day world where agents of a mysterious organisation confront supernatural threats from folklore and myth armed only with their own extraordinary talents and a whole bunch of other - probably weaponized - things that do more explodey (sometimes implodey) property damage than most people would be entirely comfortable with.

This is a game which isn't necessarily going to be taking itself too seriously, is what I'm not-all-that-subtly hinting at here...

Here's a review of the game, if you want one.

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story? The GM prepares the overall shape of the story, which the players will probably then ignore and go off and do their own thing. The GM gives hints to provide direction, and then quietly weeps as those directions are largely ignored. Probably.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? Whatever they want subject to GM's approval, which should be as forgiving as possible.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: Largely followed, but if they get in the way of the story being awesome ...
  • Player characters are: expected to work together. You're the good guys, damn it!
  • How brutal is the game? Don't hurt my character without warning. Tell me what the consequences of failure could be, but there's no going back.
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: come on now, really? You're a Demon Hunter. If survival were your number one priority you'd never have signed up for this gig.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is Hooking up with the forces of Evil™? Are you being mind-controlled? Never fear! Your fellow Demon Hunters will very probably save you. Or shoot you. Maybe both.

Game details

  • No of Players: 4+
  • System: DEMON HUNTERS : A Comedy of Terrors (Fate Accelerated/Cortex+ hybrid)
  • Proposed by: Martin Goodson

Kat's Smorgasbord

A collection of one-shot and two part games will be on offer over the Long Block. I'll be running some creepy and strange Cthulhu Dark, some horrible and weird Cthulhu Hack, a bunch of Lamentations of The Flame Princess and anything people who want to play a lot of different things might want to request! The first game will be Cthulhu Dark's Screams of the Children, the second Blood in Chocolate Lamentations of the Flame Princess and then on from there!

Game details

  • No of Players: 4–5
  • System: LOTFP, Cthulhu Hack, Cthulhu Dark
  • Proposed by: Kat Jenkins