Edge of the Empire - NPC Cast

From Milton Keynes RPG Club

Arend Shan

Arend Shan

a.k.a. The Client. Arend is a financier and mid-level bureaucrat on Bespin City. He hires the team to steal the Jewel of Yavin in the hope that he can screw over two of his enemies: Marus Grayson and Vorse Tabarith.

Aris Shan

Aris Shan

Aris is the thirty year old daughter of Arend Shan and the wife of Vorse Tabarith. Arend hates the politics of Bespin and just wants a spaceship and a star to guide her by. And cash, she'll need cash!

Vyn Secura

Vyn Secura

Vyn Secura is Gaspard Niyoti's sponsor. He runs a successful trading operation and is privately horrified and the Empire's destruction of the past. He is providing funds so that the past can be saved for future generations.

Shreya Ordassa

Shreya Ordassa

Professor of Archaeology in the Sanbra university on Coruscant, she believed a race of force users existed before the Sith. She was the teacher of Gaspard Niyotibut left on a dig before Gaspard's course finished. She rarely has time for people and gaining her trust is a very hard task.