Proposed games

From Milton Keynes RPG Club
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This page is for games that are on offer for the next long block, 2025 Block 2, starting 25 March 2025, vote on 4 – 11 March 2025.

Please include a same page description of your game, to help people understand the play style.

Proposed short-block games are on a separate page. Upcoming long games and Upcoming short games are more speculative game proposals. The Wish list is for games you'd like to see on offer.

Journeys through The Radiant Citadel (continued)

Radiant Citadel w-Concord Jewels.png

Halcyon, the fractured Dawn Incarnate, has tasked our band of eclectic adventurers, known as Owl Patrol, with gathering the scattered crystals of it's being, and return them to their full form. Having removed Tirras Brokenhorn, a large player in the criminal underbelly of the Radiant Citadel, Owl patrol now look to help appoint a potentially better replacement in Madame Samira Arah. Samira is aware of the group's quest to reunite Halcyon and, as the leader of the Guild of Jewellers, has access to the piece of Halcyon they require. She is willing to give the Bastite piece over to Owl Patrol, if they help her become one of Zinda's ruling elite, the Kings of Coin.

This could be the game for you if you like: Glittering night markets, undersea cities, angel-ruled city states, and a rich tapestry of stories in never-before-seen lands.

Game details

  • GM: John Holton
  • System: D&D 5e
  • Players: 3-6 (with returning players having priority)
  • Location: In person

Horror on the Orient Express (continued)



A puzzling headline begins a front-page article found in the Times of London. Three men, all identical in identification, were found dead in the same room of the Chelsea Arms Hotel. All were dispatched in a similar manner stabbed through the heart.

Then the home of a valued friend burns to the ground, severely injuring him in the process. An odd summons, a surreptitious meeting, and a thousand-mile journey begins on the legendary rail service carrying the investigators to Constantinople, the Gateway of the Orient.

Horror on the Orient Express is one of the legendary Call of Cthulhu campaigns. It contains up to nineteen adventures spanning several eras. The majority of the story takes place in the 1920s, with a number of optional scenarios occurring in different eras. The main campaign sees the investigators journey to Paris and thence to the ancient city of Constantinople. With luck, they also return home.

This adventure ran at the club some years ago, and took around 18 months to complete (without many of the optional modules). I don't expect players to have to commit to the whole campaign - as the story follows the rail route across Europe a player who misses part of the story can easily rejoin - if they don't mind missing out on the plot, of course!

Game details

Crown of the Kobold King


"Only the Desperate and the Brave" is the motto of Falcon's Hollow, a small town in Andoran known for its tough and resilient people. And they have to be; not only is the Hollow in the iron grip of the lumber consortium, but it sits on the edge of the Darkmoon Forest, prowled by feral creatures and the restless dead, and under the shadow of the volcano known as Droskar's Crag.

Falcon's Hollow's new heroes, sometimes known as the 1%, have dealt with some of the town's most immediate issues and made the Darkmoon Forest a safer place to be. But delving into the ruins of Droskar's Crucible in search of missing people has uncovered both newly risen, glowing eyed, undead creatures, and a horde of kobolds devoted to their king Merlokrep. Now the hunt is on, not just to save the town's butcher, but to find out why Merlokrep is sacrificing people to empower his crown.

Crown of the Kobold King takes three classic Pathfinder adventures and updates them into a beginner friendly campaign for Pathfinder 2e.

Game details

The Tales of Madahar (continued)

A fairly typical D&D 5th Edition adventure: feats encouraged, combat... Happens. Now using the gritty reality optional rest rules.

The kingdom of Madahar is a fairly decent place to live. The towns have hospitals, the elderly retire, and the children don't even start working the fields until 13! Unfortunately, just as night follows day, where sentient creatures reside war will ever follow. A war that has lasted for over a hundred years, waged against their neighbors which has left their border barren and desolate, with undead creatures created in this wasteland often wandering into the otherwise (relatively) peaceful border villages.

A lot has happened to everyone's (least - depending on who you ask) favourite adventuring party over the last few weeks. For a start, they have another new name - the "Dead Owl Society" (yeah I know). And as a little aside while searching for a funny new name, they have been fighting undead, in the service of the necromancer Kredan, and even managing to find his secret lair where he plots to invade the nation. While they're at it they found the ancient druid Seren, and freed her from her centuries long curse, adding the powerful nature spirit Undine to their ranks. While Kevin prepares to fight Kredan on his own terms, the armies of Madahar prepare to stop an undead army at their borders, and the party are sent off to clear out and investigate the supposed tomb of Malkohir, one question remains above all else - how many owls will die this time?

Game details

  • GM: George A
  • System: D&D 5e
  • Players: 4-7 (returning players priority)
  • Location: In person
  • Level: 7+

Alternative Medicine

Existing in a previously unknown back street of infamous Ankh-Morpork, The Lambshead Clinic for Indistinct Medicine offers hope to those whose ailments respond to neither traditional nor modern methods. The staff here will do whatever it takes to treat your condition, whether that's praying to the Small Gods for an intercession on your behalf or replacing the inefficient organs of your body with exciting new versions of their own design! Bring us your tired, your sick, your broken, but above all, bring us your money.

Alternative Medicine is a game set in Terry Pratchett's Discworld, using the quickstart version of the rules for Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork from Modiphius. This is a fully trait based system, with characters defined entirely by short, descriptive phrases about their backgrounds, skills, interests and baggage: there are no numbers involved at all! There are still dice though, with players rolling a d4, d6, d10 or d12 against the GM, who always rolls, um, you know, the other dice.

PCs will be practitioners or consultants in unorthodox areas of biology & medicine, such as these suggested starting points:

  • A Witch or other practitioner of headology
  • An Igor, skilled at all kinds of organ transplants
  • A Priest capable of praying illness away
  • An Undead, with experience of the other side
  • An Assassin, consultant on poisons and "accidents"
  • A Troll, providing a very different perspective

All is not well in Ankh-Morpork, which is business as usual for the city and a great opportunity for you, but the forces of destiny and coincidence are weaving their threads, and the Clinic is caught right in the middle of the closing web. You all have your parts to play, along with a guild of snake-oil salespeople, a wizard with a strange idea about ideas, an embittered toymaker and rumours of the Patrician's imminent retirement.

Game details

  • GM: James M
  • System: Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork
  • Players: 4-6
  • Location: In person

Keys from the Golden Vault


Some jobs require more than simply wielding a sword or slinging a spell. Whether it’s procuring a well-guarded item or obtaining crucial information from an imprisoned contact, these tasks require careful planning and flawless execution. Keys from the Golden Vault is a collection of one-shot heist adventures from levels 1–11.

The adventure will be run from the city of Waterdeep (located on the Sword Coast) as the crew base, and a different sponsor given from the official publication (not the Golden Vault).

I will be DM'ing the heists. The players will take turns to DM short stories in-between adventures for each other if they desire to have storylines and roleplay outside of the heists. The game is what you make of it!

Game details

  • GM: Nikki A
  • System: D&D 5e
  • Players: 4-6
  • Location: In person

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story? I will be running the heist adventures from the book, the players will prepare stories in-between their quests. The players can prepare long-term goals for their characters and explore them between quests.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? Whatever they want in-between heists in the city of Waterdeep. The main GM will be there to support and advise as required.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: followed, unless ignoring the rules makes for a good story. Willing to run variations of official rules.
  • Player characters are: expected to work together. Major conflicts might erupt and never see reconciliation. They may be pursuing their own agendas. They might work together, they might work against each other. Players should be prepared that their character may die or leave the group during play and may be required to introduce a new character to the group.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Play as a group of young Jedi Padawans making their way through the events of the clone wars using the FantasyFlight Force and Destiny RPG system.

The game will take place across the Star Wars galaxy as the players fight alongside their Jedi master and assigned clone legion throughout the 4 year timespan of the clone wars era. This will include taking part in events seen in star wars media and interacting with characters both famous and unknown.

The story will be "cannon-adjacent" to the main star wars plotline, meaning that while you can change the way many things play out the main story of the series will still occur.

Game details

  • GM: James J
  • System: Force and Destiny
  • Players: 4-6
  • Location: In person

Same page description

  • Who prepares the story? The GM prepares the overall shape of the story, linear or branching. Players run their characters through these events. The GM gives hints to provide direction.
  • What can players contribute to the story/setting? Their character's thoughts, actions, and backstory, plus occasional story bits when they spend a resource (destiny points), subject to GM's approval.
  • The rules (including agreed house rules) will be: Occasionally ignored when they conflict with what would be good for the story.
  • Player characters are: Expected to work together. Major conflicts might erupt and never see reconciliation (falling to the dark side is very possible).
  • Doing the smartest thing for your character's survival: Sometimes isn't as important as other choices.
  • After many sessions of play, during one session, a player decides to have her character side with an enemy. This is: A meaningful moment. However, will likely lead to character death or character becoming an NPC if not carefully hidden from NPCs or PCs.
  • Player character secrets are: Open. Characters have secrets from each other, but all the players know everything.

Curse of Strahd (continued)

Curse of Strahd.jpg

Under raging storm clouds, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. The vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stares down a sheer cliff at the village below. A cold, bitter wind spins dead leaves about him, billowing his cape in the darkness.

Lightning splits the clouds overhead, casting stark white light across him. Strahd turns to the sky, revealing the angular muscles of his face and hands. He has a look of power-and of madness. His once handsome face is contorted by a tragedy darker than the night itself.

Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind's howling increases as Strahd turns his gaze back to the village. Far below, yet not beyond his ken, a party of adventurers has just entered his domain. Strahd's face forms a twisted smile as his dark plan unfolds.

He knew they were coming, and he knows why they have come-all according to his plan. He, the master of Ravenloft, will attend to them.

Another lightning flash rips through the darkness, its thunder echoing through the castle's towers. But Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind—or perhaps a lone wolf-fills the midnight air. The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner. And you are invited.

Game details

  • GM: Heather
  • System: D&D 5e
  • Players: 4-6 (returning players priority)
  • Location: In person